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Thursday, February 5, 2015


Beforehand I was anxious. Afterwards, I can say that Haiti reaches into your heart and kindles a flame that burns bright. Each of us came to Haiti seeking the same thing - A life changing adventure and some fun. What none of us could foretell was how that would happen, what experiences would leave their mark, and how we would be forever changed."Never stop believing" and you feel this the moment you step foot into the country. On first sight, the capital, of Port-Au-Prince is visually overwhelming, like the sound of one hundred thousand piano keys playing all at once. Brightly colored 'tap-tap' buses navigate through the squalor, miles upon miles of roadside stands selling fruit and vegetables on cloth laid out on the sidewalk, shoes, clothing, shampoo, household goods. Everyone is selling, but who is buying? The city it best viewed tilted. It's one massive maze, like the branches of a tree... Continue reading Here

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