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Wednesday, January 25, 2012



ba blag - tell a joke

ba manti - tell a lie

ba - low

ba - stocking

bab panyòl - moss

bab - beard

babako - feast n

babako - feast

babay - good bye

babote - abble

bachote - cram v

bachote - cram

badnen - play (with someone) v

bag - ring

bagaj - bagage

bagay - object

bagay - thing

bal, pake -chaff n

bal - bale n.

bal - bullet

balans - balance

balans - sale

balanse, aksyonen - actuate

balanse, dodinen - rock v

balanse - swing v

balansin - swing n

bale - broom n.

bale - broom v.

bale - sweep

balèn - whale

balon - ball

bambòch, babako - feast n

ban, bankèt - bench

ban - give

banal - ordinary

banboche - enjoy oneself

banbouche - to feast

band - band

bande - band v.

bande - tie v

bani - banish

bank - bank

bankè - banquet

bankèt - bench

bankoulou - sly fellow

bann - flock

bannan - plantain

banyè - banner

banyen - bathe

bar, kafe - bar

baraj - dam n

bare, trape, kenbe - catch

bare, bouche - obstruct

bare, trape, kenbe - catch v

bare - block off one's way

bare - capture

bare - capture v

bare - corner

bare - corner v

bare - stuck

barikad - barricade

baro, parapè - rail

baryè, lantouray - fence

basen - basin

basen - pond

baskètbòl - basketball

baskile - flip

bat, kale - beat v.

bat, venk - defeat v

bat bravo - clap v

bata - bastard

batay, gouman - quarrel

batay, lit, boule - struggle n

batay - battle

batay - fight n

batay - fight

batèm - baptism

bati, konstwi - build

bato, atifisyèl - boat

bato - ship

baton - baton

baton - stick

batri - battery

bay, ban - give

bay manje - feed v

bay kouraj - embolden

bay koutba - deceive

bay avalwa - advance v

bay legen - cede

bay, fè jwenn - procure

bay gabèl - dare v

bay koutba - deceive

bay tò - fault

bay manje - feed

bay (fè) manti - fib v

bay avalwa - advance

bay ladesant - lodge (v)

bay legen - cede

bay - deal v

bay - deal

bay - yield

bayay, kichoy - something

baye - yawn

baylegen - surrender v

baz - base

baze - base v.

bè - bay

bè - butter n.

beapen - kindling

bebe - baby

bèbè - mute

bèf, vach - cow

bèf - ox

bege - stammer

begle - bellow

beke - peck v

bekonn - back

bèl - beautiful

bèl - cute

bèl - handsome

bèl - pretty

bèlantre - welcome n

bèlte - charm

benediksyon - blessing

benefis, montan - proceeds

benefis, gen, (v) akeri - gain

benefis - benefit

benefisye (de) - benefit (from) v.

benefisye - enjoy

benefisye - enjoy

benfisyèl - beneficial

beny - bath

bere - butter v.

berè - cap

berejenn - eggplant

bese - decline

bèso - cradle

bèso - crib

bèt (sovaj)* - beast

bèt, komik - silly

bèt, animo - animal

bèt, ridikil - ridicule v

bèt kay - pet n

bèt, animo - animal

bèt - daft

bèt - daft

betay - cattle

bètrav - beet

bezwen - need

bi - aim n

bibliyotèk - library

bibon - bottle, baby

bidjè - budget

bien - very (much)

bijou - jewel

bijou - jewelry

bil - gall

bileng - bilingual

bilten vòt - ballot

binyin - shower v.

bis, otobis - bus

bisiklèt - bicycle

bisiklèt - cycle (bicycle)

biskit - biscuit

bistro - pub

bisuit - bread

bit tè - clod

bivèt, bankè - banquet

biwo, kabinè - office

Biwo Imigrasyon - Bureau of Immigration

biwo - desk

biye - ticket

biyoloji - biology

biznis - business

blabla - blab

blag - joke

blame, joure - blame v.

blan - blank

blan - white

blanchi - bleach v.

blayi - knock some one down

blayi - lay

blayi - lie down

ble - azure

ble - blue

ble - wheat

blese - wound v

blesi - wound n

blije - obliged

bliye - forget

blòf - bluff n.

blofe - bluff v.

blòk - chump v

bloke, konjeste, bouche - congest v

bloke - block off

bloke - lock (v)

bò lari - lane

bò lari - lane

bò, kote - side n

bò, rebò - brim

bò - by (location)

bo - kiss

bobin - reel n

bobine - reel v

bòde - accost

bòdi, lizyè - hedge

bòdi, lizyè - border

bòdmè - shore

bòdu - trim v

bofis - son-in-law

bòl - bowl

bon mache - cheap

bon gou - delicious

bon, janti - nice

bòn, restavèk - maid

bon - good

bòn - servant

bon - well adj

bonbe - bulge v.

bonbon - candy

bondan - profuse

Bondye - dye God

bonè, annavans - early

bònfwa - earnest

bonjou - hello

bonm - pan n

bòs, fòmann - foreman

bòs - leader

bosu - hunchback

bòt - boot

bouch - mouth

bouche - butcher

bouche - congest v

bouche - enclose

bouche - obstruct

bouche - plug v

bouchon lyèj - cork n

bouchon - lid

boude - pout v.

bouie - move

bouje - budge

bouje - move

boujon - bud

bouk, vilaj - village

boul - ball

boul - lie

boulè flè, odè -bout

boule - burn down

boule - burn v

boule - burn n

boule - scorch

boule - struggle n

bounda - ass

bounda - bough, branch

boure - saturate

bourik, dèyè, bounda - ass

bourik - donkey

bous - purse n

bous - wallet

boustabak - raven

bout bwa - log

bout pou bout - little by little

bout - edge

bout - edge

bout - end

bout - end

boutèy - bottle

boutik, magazen - store n

boutik - shop n

bouton - button

bouton - pimple

bouya - fog

bouyi - boil

bouyon - broth

bouyon - stew

bra - arm n

brak - acrid

brak - tart

branch - branch

branche - cock

branche - cock v

branlan - loose

brase, kraze - mash v

brav - brave

bravo - bravo

braye, fè djòlè - bawl

brèf, kout - concise

brèf - brief adj

bretèl, atach - brace v.

bri, chuichui - rumor

bri - noise

brid sou kou, bripbrip - abrupt

brik - brick

bripbrip - abrupt

brital, sovaj - brute adj

brital - rough

briyan - bright

briye - exceed (in)

briye - glitter

briye - shine v.

briz - breeze

brize, separe - break

brize, separe - break v.

brizorye - very poor

brizurye, razè - broke

brode, trikote - knit

brode, bwode - embroider

bròs - brush n

brose - brush v

bwa chapant - timber

bwa - lumber

bwa - wood

bwapen - pine

bwason - beverage

bwat - box n.

bwat - cafe

bwat - case

bwatchèn - oak

bwè - drink v

bweson - drink n

bwi, bri - noise

bwòdè, koupe - sharp

bwòdè - cocky

bwode - embroider

bwote, chaje - haul

bwote - move out

bwote - move something

bwote - transport v

byè - ale

byè - beer

byen panse - profound

byen fò - aloud

byen ke - as well as

byen tonbe, fè prosè - suit v

byen lwen - far away

byen fò - aloud

byen, bon - well adj

byen mezire - accurate

byen - property

byen - wealth

byenfezans - beneficence

byenke - although

byennere - blissful

byennèt - welfare

byenvini - welcome v

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